The Mind Body Manifest Podcast

Manifest Your Dream Life Meditation

Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode of the Mind Body Manifest podcast, Laura  introduces her new membership, Mbodied, which focuses on helping you manifest your desires by embodying your next-level self, emphasizing the importance of subconscious reprogramming and community support. The episode includes a guided meditation designed to help you visualize and connect with your dream life. Through various relaxation and visualization techniques, you are encouraged to explore your desires, feel the emotions associated with your dream life, and trust the process of manifestation.

laura livermore (00:00)
Welcome back to the mind body manifest podcast. I'm your host Laura. And this week we're doing something a little bit different. I'm going to share with you one of my favorite meditations inside the embodied manifestation membership. This is my new membership that's launching very soon. And I'm super excited about it. Embodied is going to teach you, guide you,

through embodying your next level self, the version of you that already has your desires, that's living out your dream life. So whether you are manifesting a big money goal in your business or maybe a career jump, perhaps you're manifesting your dream partner or getting engaged, maybe a dream house, or maybe it's health related or

even a healthy pregnancy and delivery of your baby. It doesn't matter what it is that you are manifesting. You must become the version of yourself that has your desires in order to receive them. So embodied guides you through reprogramming your subconscious mind on an identity level. So you become that version of yourself in order to receive your desires.

every up level, every time you have a new goal, you want to attract something different in your life. You want to experience something new. It requires you to evolve internally first because your external reality is simply a mirror of what's going on internally. This is how you fast track your manifestations. Once you learn how to shift your identity much faster,

you start embodying that version of yourself before you have the results. This is the key to making quantum leaps in your life. And I've been doing this with my clients for years now with hypnosis audios, timeline techniques, meditations, EFT tapping. Those are the main.

ways that we do subconscious reprogramming, but the results have been astounding. And so this has been something that my clients have been asking for a way to build community where you get to connect with other women and entrepreneurs and moms and leaders that are all on this spiritual growth journey of creating their dream lives together. So you can

Find your new spiritual bestie or network and find your business partners. Find an accountability buddy. It doesn't matter. It's gonna be so much fun. And I'm super, super excited about it. So there will be more details to come on the embodied manifestation membership, which teaches you everything you need, gives you all the tools.

including my align method, the five step manifestation method to manifesting anything and everything into your life, along with a plethora of subconscious reprogramming audios. So again, I will probably do an entire another podcast episode just on the membership and when that launches.

But today I wanted to share with you one of the meditations that I'm putting inside the membership. And this meditation is called the manifest your dream life meditation. And it's going to help you to get clear on exactly what it is you want to call in, starting with your home life to your, your relationships, to your career and your finances.

who's with you, what are you doing? What does it look like? What does it feel like? And so if you're unclear, this meditation is going to help you to visualize that next level dream life for yourself. So just a couple of tips. I would suggest finding a comfortable seated position somewhere.

do not listen to this while you are driving, but you can sit upright in your bed or on a chair. If you feel like you really need to lie down, lie down on a yoga mat or not on your bed, because oftentimes I find that when you lie down on your bed, your body automatically goes into sleep mode. Cause that's what it's used to doing on the bed.

when you're lying down like that. So you want to stay awake for the meditation. I tell my clients during sleep hypnosis tracks, those you can fall asleep to and it will reprogram your subconscious while you sleep. But for the meditations, it's best if you are conscious and awake for, for the whole thing. So find it somewhere comfortable to sit.

and just relax and listen to it. And if a vision comes through, I suggest writing it down, journaling about it afterwards, and come back to that meditation as often as you'd like, visualize it, picture it. The more you do that, the more real you make it in your mind. Your mind doesn't know the difference. Your mind thinks that it's happening now and

There has been so much science around how visualization can actually help you manifest and create those exact experiences because your body thinks it's actually happening now and you don't manifest what you want. You manifest what you are. You manifest what you believe is true. What you believe is real. Okay. Enjoy, and I'll see you next week.

Sit back, relax, and just close your

slow deep breath in.

and slowly exhale.

Another deep breath in.

And release.

Continue with these slow deep inhales and slow deep exhales, allowing your breath to anchor you into the present moment.

moments you're going to be more relaxed than you've ever known yourself to be.

Begin to imagine a white light shining down over the crown of your head, relaxing every muscle in your forehead. Feel this white light energy floating down, relaxing over your eyelids.

Re-luxing the muscles around your jaw, down your neck.

Relaxing the muscles down your chest.

Feeling it float and relax the tops of your arms all the way down to your fingertips.

You feel this white energy floating down.

down the muscles in your spine, relaxing every muscle in your spine.

Feel this white energy moving down over your hips, relaxing the tops of your thighs, down the backs of your legs, over your shins.

your feet.

Mixing each and every tone.

Feel this white light energy relaxing your entire body.

engulfed in this white light relaxing energy portal.

This portal where you are safe, seen, loved, worthy.

connecting you to divine source energy.

Take a moment to breathe this in.

to imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase.

And as I guide you down this staircase, you're going to get more and more relaxed.

Taking yourself down, step 10, going deeper, relaxing deeper. Taking step nine, going even deeper, even more relaxed. Taking step eight, relaxing even more. Seven, going down, way down.

Six, going deeper, more relax. Five, going down, way deep and relax. Step four, more relax than you've ever been. Three, going deeper, even deeper.

to relax to even move.

So relaxed.

Zero. You are now entering a place of deep relaxation.

Standing in front of you now is a beautiful ornate door. Notice this warm, glowing light shining through the bottom of the door. Inviting you towards it, magnetizing it towards you. Because what is behind this door is your dream life.

Reaching into your pocket now, you notice you've got a key. The key to this specific door. Take the key and unlock the door. As you open this door, you are flooded with this warm, glowing light energy.

Making you feel radiant. At peace.

as you enter your dream life. Begin to notice that you are actually standing inside your dream house now. Begin to look down at your feet. What are you standing on? Wood floors? Carpet? Perhaps a beautiful rug?

Feel the texture of the floor on your feet.

just begin to walk around and take in your surroundings.

the furnishings


the ceiling.

The lighting.

Take in all of the details of your dream house.

feel what it feels like to be in this dream home.

I feel relaxed, excited, maybe comfortable.

Allow these feelings to bubble up as you walk around your dream home.

Now, begin to walk into your master bedroom towards your closet. Open up the closet door and look at all of your clothes. Reach out and feel the texture of the different fabrics.

Go ahead and find your favorite outfit and pull it out.

Maybe it's something new. Maybe it's something you already own. Put it on.

Go look in the mirror.

See yourself in your favorite outfit. That outfit that makes you feel like a million dollars.

Take a look at yourself and just smile.

Confident, vivacious, maybe sexy.

You've been at least so darn proud of yourself.

Feel how good it feels.

and great health.

Just tell yourself something kind.

Soak this in.

And now you begin to hear the sound of the front door opening. So you walk towards the front door and in comes your soulmate, your partner.

person. That one that you love so dearly.

Feel what it feels like as they embrace you and give you a huge hug.

Feel what it feels like to be truly loved by this person for just being you.

Maybe there's others around you, kids, family, anyone else that's very special to you.

and just take in the energy of being surrounded by your dream partner, your soulmate, your family.

people that love and adore you just for being you.

Now begin to see yourself with this person or these people living out the life of your dreams.

What sort of things are you doing together?

What sort of experiences do you desire to have with each other?

Take in the joy and the bliss of being in each other's company.

communicating well.

And just having so much fun.

It's time to go to work.

Begin to see yourself doing the work that you love to do.

Maybe you're working with dream clients or team members or coworkers. It's the most amazing job you could ever dream of.

You feel blessed, lit up, and inspired by what you do.

perfect combination of everything you are good at, you love to do, and you get paid handsomely for it.

feel happy, inspired, and grateful that you get to do this work every single day, giving your unique gifts to the world.

feel the joy that you get from doing this.

What is it that your heart is pulling you towards? Is it something you're already doing? Or is it something new?

Whatever is, notice how...

Abundance begins to flow.

The more time you spend doing what you love to do, the more abundance flows to you.

feel the joy of the financial freedom.

Allow yourself to have the money and the time to enjoy it.

Watch yourself enjoying this financial freedom, checking things off your bucket list.

Feel the appreciation and the freedom that comes from living in alignment with your heart's desires.

See yourself living the life of your dreams.

You feel fulfilled, happy, passionate for life. We're filled with love and appreciation. Breathe in this vision.

And say yes, say yes to this life. Say yes to being who you came here to be. Say yes to this dream life.

Repeat to yourself, thank you, thank you, thank you. It is done.

You are already on the path to this vision. You are always in the right place at the right time and everything is always working out for you. Maintain your vision, trust it is on the way and just allow it to unfold in divine timing.

All you have to do is trust and take aligned action. Trust that the universe is here for you and is supporting your vision. Trust that clues will be given. And all you have to do is follow your intuition and your good feelings. Follow your bliss.

Take a slow deep breath in.

And exhale, release it.

the front door and just begin to walk out that same door.

Close the door behind you, locking it in place, locking it into your brain, locking it into your subconscious, knowing that this vision, this life is not only meant for you, but is destined for you. You can come back and revisit this anytime you'd like. Come back to this vision often.

play with it, make it as real as possible in your mind. Because your mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. And the more you play around with the imagination of it, the more real it feels. And the more real it feels, the easier it is to manifest.

you're ready, can slowly begin to open your eyes.